Nathan Schwagler is a faculty member at the Joint Special Operations University (JSOU), US Special Operations Command at MacDill Air Force base. He also serves as the founding co-director of a corporate creativity and innovation services laboratory housed within The Salvador Dalí Museum in Saint Petersburg, FL. In his role at JSOU, Nathan supports two teams: the Creative Problem Solving group and the Military Design group with curriculum development, faculty-led instruction, and workshop facilitation. In addition to expert-level facilitation skills across a portfolio of Creative Problem Solving methodologies (Design Thinking, TRIZ, Synectics, Lateral Thinking, Bio-Mimicry, Osborn-Parnes CPS), Nathan is also a certified practitioner of LEGO Serious Play, and is a certified administrator of both the Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile and the creative problem solving preference measure, FourSight (utilized by organizations including: NIKE, Pfizer, GOOGLE, Disney, HP, IBM, Kraft, and L’oreal, and academic institutions including: MIT, Stanford, and Harvard). He is a published author of peer-reviewed and popular press articles, and a co-author of a recent textbook: “Organizational Creativity: A Practical Guide for Innovators and Entrepreneurs” (Sage, 2017).