Recovering from the Recovery Act - Part 2

President Obama put Vice President Biden in charge of the implementation of the $787 billion Recovery Act. Ed DeSeve had an eagle eye’s view of the interaction between agencies, states, localities, and non-profits.

Agency Customer Service Plans

Back in April, President Obama issued an executive order directing agencies to step up their efforts to improve customer service.

Smart Streamlining

Two new reports out this past week focus on tools and techniques for agencies to cope with the new fiscal austerity they face in years ahead. One is by the Partnership for Public Service, the other by the Government Accountability Office.

Getting Government to Use Performance Data

Academics sometimes hit the nail on the head!

OMB Unveils Its Performance.Gov Website

The Bush Administration had its Results.Gov scorecard. The Obama Administration now has unveiled its Performance.Gov dashboard. Is a dashboard better than a scorecard?

The Bush website provided links to key management initiatives, such as the President’s Management Agenda Scorecard, a list and bios of top political appointees, and a set of agency examples of best practices.

OMB’s Recent CIO Memorandum: Clarifying and Reinforcing CIO Primary Responsibilities

A new memorandum details four areas for which all Federal Chief Information Officers (CIOs) have authority and “a lead role”: Governance, Commodity IT, Program Management, and Information Security.

Earlier this month, OMB Director Jacob Lew released a memorandum for the heads of all Federal Departments and Agencies, which focused on four areas for which all Federal Chief Informatio

Government IT and September 11 – Recollections and Continuances

Former head of the OMB's Information Policy and Technology discusses three ways his office was affected by and responded to September 11, 2001.

This past week, millions of people here and around the world have remembered the tragedy of 9/11, the bravery shown by so many, and the ways that the world and our lives have changed since that day.  So many of us have stories of where they were, what they were doing and thinking, and what happened just before and just after.

Solidifying the Foundation for Performance Management

In 2004, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report touting how, after a decade, the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 had “established a solid foundation for achieving greater results.”  That may have been the first time GAO was overly optimistic!

Highlights of Senate GPRA Oversight Hearing

What sparked his imagination?  Here’s a link to the hearing record.

Lead off witnesses included Chief Performance Officer Jeff Zients and Comptroller General Gene Dodaro (who Carper jokingly referred to as Zients’ “wingman”).  Here are some testimony highlights from Zients:

Executive Branch Implementation Steps To Date. 

Advice to Chief Operating Officers: Connect the Dots!

It is not clear if the Obama Administration is providing strategic advice to agencies on how to cope with the various management initiatives it has underway or is in the process of launching, but the newly-redesignated Chief Operating Officers in departments and key agencies should quickly see the connections among them, and leverage them to their advantage. 
