What the Federal Government Can Do to Encourage Green Production
The green movement has reached a tipping point in recent years. Private industry now realizes that using green production techniques not only improves the environment but also can provide significant financial benefits by reducing waste, regulatory costs, and potential long-term liabilities. This report identifies six factors that currently discourage industry from undertaking green production methods. Many of these can be ameliorated if the federal government provided greater leadership in creating expectations that consumers, investors, and industry include environmental considerations in their day-to-day decision making. The author recommends the next Administration and Congress conduct open discussions on how different segments of society can take a part in addressing environmental challenges can raise awareness, increase demand by consumers, and result in increased investments by investors and industry. Providing measurement tools for assessing progress can help as well. Green movement, green production, Nicole Darnall, EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, mandatory environmental product labeling, product labeling, environmental, environment, technical assistance, environmental accounting, environmental auditing