Weekly Roundup: June 3-7 2019
John Kamensky
Data Strategy – At Last! FCW reports: “The Trump administration on June 4 released a draft of the "Year-1 Action Plan" for implementing the federal data strategy. The plan outlines 16 steps -- some agency-specific, others governmentwide -- to "establish a firm basis of tools, processes, and capacities to leverage data as a strategic asset."
Lessons from Baltimore. GCN reports: “It’s been weeks since Baltimore's city government has been able to send or receive email or electronically process real estate sales, water billing and other services. A ransomware attack that struck on May 7 continues to cripple city government computers.”
Testbed. NextGov reports: “Jose Arrieta has only been the Health and Human Services Department’s chief information officer for six days, but he’s already planning to transform the role and establish more collaborative partnerships with other agencies around emerging technology. . . . . “We are reimagining the CIO function of HHS and you will hear that over and over and over again as I continue to be in this role,” Arietta.”
Top City Innovators. Governing released its “honor roll” of ten cities that “effectively use the resources they have to the best effect, as the overall top performing entities (in alphabetical order) according to the latest Equipt to Innovate survey conducted by Governing, in partnership with Living Cities.”
Michael Keegan
FAA moves ahead on commercial drones . The aviation agency issues two significant approvals for commercial unmanned aircraft.
Contractors still looking for leadership on joint health record project. Contractors are hoping that the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense deliver on plans to create a body with authority to settle disputes and guide joint implementation of the Cerner Millennium health record software across the two departments.
Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the new electricity of our times? That’s what Chris Duffey, creative technologist says about this incredible technology revolutionizing industries the world over. Chris spearheads Adobe Creative Cloud strategic development partnerships. His new book Superhuman Innovation showcases how AI will supercharge the workforce, the world of work, and can be harnessed to deliver powerful change. It is a practical guide to how AI and Machine Learning are impacting not only how businesses, brands, and agencies innovate, but also what they innovate: products, services and content.