Jonathan D. Breul

Jonathan D. Breul was the Executive Director of the IBM Center for The Business of Government and a Partner in IBM Global Business Services.
Formerly Senior Advisor to the Deputy Director for Management in the Office of Management and Budget in the Executive Office of the President, Mr. Breul served as OMB's senior career executive with primary responsibility for government-wide general management policies. He helped develop the President's Management Agenda, was instrumental in establishing the President's Management Council, and championed efforts to integrate performance information with the budget process.
He led the development and government-wide implementation of the Government Performance and Results Act. In addition to his OMB activities, he helped Senator John Glenn (D-Ohio) launch the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act. He also served for eight years as the U.S. delegate and elected vice chair of the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's (OECD) Public Management Committee.
Mr. Breul is an elected Fellow of the National Academy Public Administration (NAPA), and an adjunct Professor at Georgetown University's Graduate Public Policy Institute. He holds a Masters of Public Administration from Northeastern University, and a Bachelor of Arts from Colby College.