Friday, September 20, 2024
Articles & insights of interest in public management & leadership for the week ending September 20, 2024

Agency IT Grades Soar on Latest FITARA Scorecard. Federal agency grades were up sharply and nearly across the board on the latest edition of the FITARA Scorecard issued today by Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., who is ranking member of the House Cybersecurity, IT, and Government Innovation Subcommittee and who compiles the scorecard with substantial input from the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

U.S. Cyber Command Unveils AI Roadmap.  U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) unveiled its AI roadmap, which aims to improve analytic capabilities, scale operations, and enhance adversary disruption. The five-year strategy outlines over 100 activities across mission areas including security, contested logistics, and national defense. The plan addresses the need for continuous operations and rapid adversary disruption, as highlighted by recent studies and incidents. The integration of AI is a strategic necessity. The roadmap will incorporate AI into all aspects of our operations to better address cyber threats.

Sherman Questions Ability of IC, DoD to Retain Tech Talent. Intelligence and defense agencies must not only attract digital-savvy new recruits and upskill their current employees but also need to update their career development processes to retain both groups over the longer term, former Defense Department (DoD) Chief Information Officer (CIO), John Sherman, said

CISA Unveils Plan to Align Federal Operational Cybersecurity. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) unveiled a new plan Monday to align collective operational defense capabilities across the Federal government and drive down cybersecurity risks to more than 100 Federal Civilian Executive Branch (FCEB) agencies. The FCEB Operational Cybersecurity Alignment (FOCAL) Plan is organized into five priority areas to provide standard, essential components of enterprise operational cybersecurity and align collective operational defense capabilities across the Federal enterprise.

DIA sees STEM pay supplement as a ‘powerful recruiting tool’ The Defense Intelligence Agency is reaping the benefits of a salary supplement that allows DIA and other defense intelligence agencies to offer higher pay to employees in technical fields. The Pentagon last May approved a targeted local market supplement for cyber and STEM jobs across the defense civilian intelligence personnel system. Kimberly King, career service manager for analysis at DIA, acknowledges the government can’t compete with the private sector on pay. But she said STEM pay supplement is helping DIA’s recruiting efforts, especially among students with critical technical skills.

Lawmakers Troubled by VA’s PIT Problems, DelBene Says Fix is Working. House members vented their frustrations on Thursday over the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) action to pause use of the agency’s troubled Program Integrity Tool (PIT) last year, which has resulted in the VA not being able to collect about $665 million in revenue since then and created potential financial impacts for veterans. The Veterans Health Administration’s (VHA) Program Integrity Tool serves as a data repository for veterans’ community care billing claims. The VA resumed partial operation of the digital tool in July 2024, according to VA Chief Information Officer (CIO) Kurt DelBene.

OMB to Launch Data Literacy Credential for Federal Acquisition Workforce. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is working on a data literacy credential program. Kristen Wilson, the strategic acquisition data management lead at OMB, said that the credential’s curriculum outline will be developed within the next two years alongside the office’s High-Definition (HiDef) centralized data management policy framework established by the circular released in May.  The program will cover the “full data lifecycle” in the acquisition domain and will help bring “data skills” to “back-office functions.” 

To Set a Great Strategy, Start by Imagining the Future You Want. Some managers develop strategy by focusing on problems in the present, and that’s especially true during a crisis. In this episode, author Mark Johnson outlines the practical steps managers can take to look beyond the typical short-term planning horizon and help their teams grasp future opportunities. Johnson also shares real-world examples from Apple, Johnson & Johnson, and Intel to illustrate what can happen when leaders shift their strategic mindset to focus on the future.

Former MA Governor Charlie Baker on Solving Complex Problems. In this episode, Former Massachusetts governor Charlie Baker and his former chief of staff Steve Kadish share their four-part framework for breaking down complicated problems with many stakeholders to get results. If you’re struggling with bureaucracy and politics in your organization, this episode is for you.


ICYMI Delivering Full Spectrum Acquisition Services. This week Michael Keegan welcomed Corey Nickens, Client Executive for the Assisted Acquisition Services Innovation Business Unit, Federal Acquisition Service at GSA, to discuss the mission of AAS, explore service delivery models such as FLEX, FEDSIM, and INNOVATE, and understand the value proposition of Astro.