Using IT and Data to Meet Mission
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is to promote the progress of science. It promotes the progress of science by investing in research to expand knowledge in science, engineering, and education. NSF also invests in actions that increase the capacity of the U.S. to conduct and exploit such research. NSF research has made possible many of the technological advances that have improved medicine, communications, transportation, manufacturing, and the utilization of natural resources, together with a broad range of other impacts on our lives. Leveraging a modern and secure IT infrastructure enables NSF to meet its critically important missions.
Recently, Dorothy Aronson, chief information officer and chief data officer at NSF, joined me on The Business of Government Hour (https://bit.ly/3OSwkF3) to discuss how NSF is leveraging information technology and data to meet its mission. Here's a excerpt of what we discussed.
0:00 Opening
0:28 Roles and Responsibilities
1:40 Challenges
3:10 IT and Data Strategies
4:54 IT Modernization
7:52 Leveraging Emerging Technology
11:15 Key Takeaways