Collective Acquisition Expertise: Drawing Insights from Leaders

The US federal government spends nearly a half-trillion dollars per year through contracts, buying everything from office supplies and automobiles to professional services, information technology, and complex weapon systems. This week’s ACQUIRE conference is just the latest event that highlights the critical role played by acquisition in virtually every facet of government.
The effectiveness with which the government buys these products increasingly separates mission success from mission failure. Acquisition can play a role in both the government’s most laudable achievements and its highest-profile disappointments.
With more than one out of every six dollars of federal government spending going to contractors, it is imperative that the federal government leverages its buying power, drives more consistent practices across federal agencies, shares information, and reduces duplication while providing better results for the American taxpayers.
As agencies continue to face pressure to do more with less, getting more for the money spent through contracts is critical. Now, as much as ever, it is imperative that government is a smart buyer. Despite this critical imperative to get things right, acquisition remains one of the most significant management challenges facing federal agencies.
The IBM Center for The Business of Government has engaged in a wide variety of of research, blogs, publications, and radio interviews that address Federal acquisition, in order to provide a resource from which to draw practical, actionable recommendations for government in this critically important area. Below we highlight that content, and will soon be releasing a report that synthesizes lessons learned into a set of recommendations that can help a new Administration leverage acquisition effectively to achieve major goals for the American people.
Publications (Reports & Magazines)
Beyond Business as Usual: Improving Defense Acquisition through Better Buying Powerby Zachary S. Huitink and David M Van Slyke
Eight Actions to Improve Defense Acquisition by Jacques S. Gansler and William Lucyshyn
A Guide for Agency Leaders on Federal Acquisition by Trevor L Brown
Controlling Federal Spending by Managing the Long Tail of Procurement by David C. Wyld
Reverse Auctioning: Saving Money and Increasing Transparency by David C.Wyld
The Challenge of Contracting for Large Complex Projects: A Case Study of the Coast Guard's Deepwater Program by Trevor L Brown, Matthew Potoski, and David M Van Slyke
Perspectives on Federal Acquisition and Complex Contracting with Professors Trevor Brown and David Van Slyke by Michael J. Keegan
Contracted Versus Internal Assembly for Complex Products: From Deepwater to the Acquisition Directorate in the U.S. Coast Guard, by Trevor L Brown, Matthew Potoski, and David M Van Slyke
The Challenge of Contracting for Large Complex Projects: A Case Study of the Coast Guard's Deepwater Program by Trevor L Brown, Matthew Potoski, and David M Van Slyke
Moving Toward Market-Based Government: The Changing Role of Government as the Provider by Jacques S. Gansler
Insights from Tom Sharpe, Commissioner, Federal Acquisition Service, U.S. General Services Administration by Michael J. Keegan
IBM Center Blog Posts
Post-Award Contract Management – Where the Acquisition Rubber Meets the Performance Road by Dan Chenok (with Steve Kelman)
Government Gone Agile: How “Agile Management” Can Enhance Agency Success by Dan Chenok (with Joiwind Ronen)
DOD’s Better Buying Power – A Path to Meaningful Acquisition Reform by Dan Chenok
Simplifying Federal Acquisition: A Conversation with Anne Rung Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, OMB by Michael J. Keegan
The Business of Government Hour Radio Show (Interviews)
Anne Rung, Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, OMB
Conversation with Authors: Beyond Business as Usual: Improving Defense Acquisition through Better Buying Power with Profs. Zachary S. Huitink and David M Van Slyke
Leaders Speak on Federal Acquisition - Special Edition
Interview with Thomas Sharpe, Commissioner, GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service
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