Blog Index: Sept - Dec 2009
Following is an index of blog entries between the start, September 1, 2009, and the end of the year, December 31, 2009, organized around some major themes.
Web 2.0 and Social Media
Launching the BizGov Blog (09-01-09)
Blogs as Public Policy Forums (09-02-09)
Cloud Forecasting: A New Report (11-12-09)
Social Media Trends for Government in 2010 (11-25-09)
Open and Transparent Government
What Do You Do With 110,000 Data Sets? (09-04-09)
New Transparency: Recovery.Gov (09-30-09)
Open Government: Implementation Guidance from OMB (12-09-09)
Implementing the Open Government Directive (12-15-09)
Collaborative Governance
Using Czars to Govern (09-11-09)
Creating Spirit Communities (09-30-09) (based on book by Rosabeth Kantor)
Citizen Participation
Blogs as Public Policy Forums (09-02-09)
Citizen Participation: An Update (09-15-09)
Using Crowdsourcing in Government (09-16-09)
Engaging Citizens in Oversight (09-22-09)
Citizen Engagement Newsletter by GSA (10-01-09)
On-Line Town Halls (10-26-09) Congressional Management Foundation Study
Citizen Participation: Other Countries Are Stepping Out (12-07-09) UK and Australian Initiatives
Contract Reform
The Insourcer’s Apprentice: OMB’s Jeff Liebman (10-8-09)
Out- and In-Sourcing: True Confessions (11-11-09)
Bottom-Up Procurement Reform (10-13-09)
OMB: Trying a Change in Tone to Collaborating with Agencies (10-22-09)
Acquisition 2.0: OMB’s Latest Acquisition Guidance (10-28-09)
Signs of Procurement Revolution (11-24-09)
Workforce and Employee Engagement
Federal Jobs: A New Era (09-03-09)
Recognizing Civil Servants (09-18-09)
Ask Employees How to Fix It, Part I (09-17-09)
ISO Good Ideas: Ask Employees, Part II (09-23-09)
Governing by Suggestion Box (10-20-09)
Dealing with Poor Performers (10-16-09)
Government Performance
The New Obama Performance Team (09-25-09)
Jump-Starting Performance Management (09-28-09) (Senator Carper Hearing)
Priorities and Principles for Performance (10-06-09) (OMB’s Zients Debute)
New Senate Task Force on Performance (10-23-09)
OMB’s New Performance Principles (10-29-09) (Zients’ Senate Budget Testimony)
More on the Senate Performance Hearing (10-30-09)
Data-Driven Performance: Senate Budget Hearing (12-11-09)
Happy Birthday GPRA! (12-16-09) Breul
Performance Reporting: Rhetoric vs. Reality (12-18-09) by Jonathan Breul
Using Performance Measures (12-22-09)
Managing Performance: A Series (12-23-09)
Model 1: Performance Administration (12-24-09)
Model 2: Siloed Performance Systems (12-28-09)
Model 3: Performance Management Framework (12-29-09)
Model 4: Performance Governance (12-30-09)
Program Evaluation and Use of Analytics
New OMB Program Evaluation Guidance (10-07-09)
Davenport: Make Better Decisions (10-27-09)
Risky Business: What is Enterprise Risk Management? (10-15-09)
Financial Management
Fiscal Sanity: Lessons from Around the World (12-08-09) by Jonathan Breul
FY 2009 Financial and Performance Reports (12-10-09) by Jonathan Breul
Presidential Transition, the First Year
Link to the IBM Center’s Presidential Transition Blog, 2008-2009
Falling Behind on Appointments (09-24-09)
Searching for a New Comptroller General (12-14-09) by Jonathan Breul
Health Care Reform
Health Care Reform Implementation (Part 1) (11-30-09)
Health Care Reform Implementation (Part 2) (12-03-09)
Doing Big Things in Government (12-01-09)
Sustaining Health Care Reform (12-02-09)
Recovery Act
Engaging Citizens in Oversight (09-22-09)
New Transparency: Recovery.Gov (09-30-09)
Recovery Act: Shifting Mindsets (11-06-09)
Lessons on Reform
Lessons of Reinvention (09-07-09)
Dispatch from Saudi Arabia (11-2-09) an International Conference on Public Administration
Reinventing Saudia Arabia (11-03-09)
Saudi Conference: Lessons for Us (11-05-09)
Recovery Act: Shifting Mindsets (11-06-09)
Conversations with Leaders and The Business of Government Magazine
The Business of Government Magazine: Fall 2009 (12-09-09) by Michael Keegan
Allen, Thad (12-11-09) by Michael Keegan
Childs, Robert (12-29-09) by Michael Keegan
Fauci, Anthony (12-10-09) by Michael Keegan