Daren C. Brabham

Daren C. Brabham is an assistant professor in the Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism at the University of Southern California, as well as the founding editor of Case Studies in Strategic Communication. He was the first to publish scholarly research using the term crowdsourcing in 2008 in an article in Convergence. Dr. Brabham is the author of the book Crowdsourcing (MIT Press, 2013). He has published more than a dozen other academic articles on crowdsourcing in journals such as Information, Communication & Society; Planning Theory; First Monday; International Journal of Communication, and Journal of Applied Communication Research. Brabham teaches courses in public relations and new media, consults on crowdsourcing, and has presented to numerous scholarly and professional associations. He holds an M.S. and Ph.D. in communication from the University of Utah and a B.A. in communication and religion from Trinity University (Texas).